People have disappeared all around the World.
What's Really Going On?
I am expecting an event I call my "Blessed Hope" to happen any moment with what I see happening around the world. Especially what I see happening around Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. I will admit it is the most preposterous teaching in the scriptures, but Paul revealed this event as one of his eight mysteries to the church. He told us to comfort one another with this view of the return of Jesus Christ.
Moving forward, I will narrate the event as though it has already happened, which is the primary reason for writing this blog post.
In other words, this blog might seem perplexing as it is intended for future readers, rather than those of today.
First of all, count yourself blessed if you are reading this blog. I assumed messages like this would be blocked somehow. They were censoring me when I wrote it.
Second, get yourself a Bible and treasure it because this book will assist you through this very difficult time. The Gospel of John, Epistles of Paul, Daniel, and Revelation will be very significant in the coming 3 and 1/2 years.
First, God has unfinished business with the nation of Israel. Most of the Church world claimed that God was finished with the Jews and the ecclesia replaced them. That would mean Yahweh deceived Abraham and later David with covenants. I assure you, He did not. In fact, He had to remove the church to deal with Israel exclusively.
Know this for comfort: Your children and babies are very much alive and safe in real tangible bodies. They are in a much better kingdom than you are.
Start marking the days somehow as you will be halfway through this horrific time at the 1260-day mark. Also, the way of keeping dates may be changed by your local government. The last 1260 days do not need to concern you as they will be "hell on earth" and there is no prepping for them.
Right now, as I write this blog Iran is attacking Israel which is literal Bible prophecy unfolding in front of my eyes. The events unfolding in the Middle East serve as a wake-up call. The most concerning development is the establishment of ties between Iran and Russia, a relationship that was considered unlikely until recently. Indeed, the formation of this union was considered necessary for the prophetic wars of the end times to occur.
As always, the Bible has foretold an event thousands of years prior to its occurrence, at a time when such an event seemed impossible. Furthermore, Israel was divided and went into Babylonian captivity when this prophecy was penned, only becoming a unified nation again in 1948. Yes, The Bible was written outside of time by someone who saw the events happening as they occurred.
These skirmishes will become full-blown WW3 soon if they are not already. Israel will eliminate Damascus as prophesied thousands of years ago. Russia (Scythians) will join forces with Iran (Persians) and come down to plunder Israel, but there is no need to worry about this war even as the whole world turns their back on Israel. God himself with intervene for Israel. Israel may believe the victory was achieved through their efforts.
Allow me to clarify past events and future occurrences in the simplest terms. You are responsible to search the scriptures to validate what I write here. I am providing answers here rather than composing an extensive theological dissertation, as that would be exhaustive.
Again, God has seven years of unfinished business with his chosen people, the descendants of Abraham. Notice that the people that have disappeared are Christians that followed Jesus. Most of the offspring of Abraham did not disappear and more are moving to Israel every day. This is not a coincidence.
Their children and babies in Israel were snatched from the earth also, because they are most innocent, and can't understand their sinful state yet. God is merciful that way.
However, the news is quite dreadful for the reader of this blog looking for answers after the happening. The next big event is all the nations of the world will put themselves under the control of a charismatic Muslim politician who is great at finding Ingenius solutions. However, soon after embracing him people's rights will be stripped away. You will feel like you woke up in WW2 Germany, and you will be aggressively controlled. Troublemakers may be executed. You know, the ones that ask the wrong questions.
The persecution has already started. The filters in my computer give polite warnings to me about my subject matter. I am freaked out to say the least. The internet is telling me what I should and should not write about. Intriguing. The computer gave me a warning about the paragraph above. I don't see anything that should rouse concern. Eerie.
You have been snared in an arduous seven-year time period. The Bible says more about this time than Jesus walking the shores of Galilee. At the three and a half years point or 1260 days, this New United Roman World will start executing people that do not accept this Muslim politician as God. You will have to take some type of laser scan on your right hand or forehead to survive being beheaded. You may survive for a short time, but then will be cast into the "Lake of Fire" designed for a defeated high angel and his followers.
From your perspective you need to realize that you may die from supernatural disasters and will definitely die when the scans begin if you deny this man of sedition. It may seem like a clichéd sci-fi movie, but it was prophesied a long time ago. From a Biblical perspective you are already most likely physically dead and have only one decision to escape the Second Death, hell and then the lake of fire in 1000 years.
Sit down right now and read the entire book of John in the Bible. It's an easy read as it was written by John the Beloved apostle for everyone. Don't continue until you read The Gospel of John or you will be unprepared to continue.
John 3:16 is enough scripture to save you. Faith requires belief that Jesus is indeed who He claimed to be. Belief in His sacrifice and resurrection as sufficient for sins you've committed are essential. This conviction should be so profound that it results in a genuine transformation at the core of your being, manifesting in altered behavior. The blood that Jesus shed saves you from having to pay the obligation for your past, present and future sins which is the second death. Hell. That's the terms established before Adam and Eve sinned against God.
This is what recently happened and the answer you seek: The term "rapture" was used during the Church Age, which has now concluded. It was a confusing word from the Latin Bible translation. The Greek term was Harpazo which means to snatch or remove hastily. Jesus came back in the clouds to legally raise all who loved Him from the dead. He restored the bodies of those who had died, making them akin to His own resurrected form. Similarly, He legally metamorphosed and claimed those who were still alive, including myself. You can read about this event that has happened in the two letters to the Thessalonians by Paul.
I can prove that what I am writing is true.....................
These things will happen in the next 1260 days but not in exact chronological order. Jesus validated the prophet, Daniel, who wrote out the timeline.
This new leader will confirm a peace treaty between Israel and neighboring Muslims. There will be news articles about Peace.
However, The National News right now are not stating that we were caught up by The Son of God........alien abductions or maybe some climate change disaster?
A new temple will be built right beside the Dome on the Rock. Jewish animal sacrifices start again.
Two homeless looking men are preaching in front of the temple and can't be removed.
The peace treaty will be broken by an Iran-Russia alliance. Study Ezekial starting in Chapter 36
This attack will be won by tiny Israel with Tsunami damage to coastal regions.
There will be a shortage of food and people will be put on rations. It will take a day's wage to buy groceries.
How am I composing this with such painstaking accuracy in advance? Revelation: John, the disciple Jesus loved, saw these events as they were happening. Daniel received an angelic visitation and penned it while captive in Babylon. Angelic Forces battled over this message.
Next, there will be a lot of disease and death from the wars and food shortages.
An asteroid will strike the earth-Wormwood. Fresh water will be poisoned and undrinkable.
The earth will wobble off of its axis and your view of stars in the sky will change.
The two rag tag preachers in front of the temple mount will be killed by the Muslim Political Superman.
The world will celebrate their deaths exchanging gifts while they lay in the street for 3 days.
These two Jewish preachers will be resurrected and snatched off the planet. The Jews will realize that they were legitimate and start to believe in Jesus. The Assyrian will feel obligated to do something. In a bold move the man will sit in the Holy Place and the Jews will realize that he is not God. The Jews will flee for their lives to Petra.
If you choose the humble stonecutter from Nazareth as your Savior, we will see you soon.
I'm sure The Father's House is beautiful beyond words the way the Bible describes it. If you are reading this for information about what happened, I'm glad I held firmly to my beliefs about Jesus Christ and wasn't deceived. There has been a lot of deception about this group Harpazo before it happened.
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