The Deceit of the Debate


Being wrong may be shouting we are right at the top of our lungs.

This blog is dedicated to the truths we've uncovered for our family. My aim is to offer assistance to others by sharing the wisdom gained predominantly through experiences of pain and loss.  

Here are a few of our truths for example. First, we've found that purchasing cars too often is costly and financially burdensome. Next, consuming the American average amount of simple carbohydrates and sugar leads to weight gain and inflammation. Also, Honda and Toyota are best vehicles for us in reliability.  Moving on, we've realized that our life's purpose extends beyond our occupation. Fifthly, studying and applying biblical principles simplifies life's journey. Finally, Pex plastic plumbing has been easy to install and reliable in use.

I maintain a YouTube channel, but you may notice that I haven't uploaded new content for several years. This hiatus was due to persistent negative feedback in the comments section and my place of employment. Additionally, I once had a Facebook account, which I have since deactivated because it became a source of emotional and spiritual discomfort.   

I may consider posting on YouTube in the future, but as for Facebook, I'll pass. It's all too easy to get dragged into debates over the most trivial matters. Attempts to be helpful can quickly lead to being berated by an irate individual armed with extensive research, claiming expertise in their field.  Our research encompasses over five decades of life experiences, diverse academic studies, and observations of others' decisions leading to unfavorable outcomes.

I am not an expert in any one field even though I have much experience and education behind me. I am a "jack of all trades, master of none." It seems I can do everything quite well, yet I lack the desire to put forth the effort to be the best.  The margin for being the best is so elusive.

We recognize the numerous pitfalls in our world, and if we can assist even one person in avoiding these snares, it would be all the more worthwhile. Our aim is not to prove anything, but rather to offer ideas others may use to bypass mistakes. Deception is rampant and promoted in every facet of life.  

For every truth we discover, someone else may offer a different perspective.  Even with the truths above we find straightforward.  "Ted, you should lease cars," they argue, providing a list of reasons. We would consider leasing only if we desired luxury vehicles like Mercedes or BMWs. "Ted, what we eat is irrelevant; it's all about portion control," another suggests. "We drove a Ford F-150 for 500,000 miles, not those flimsy, unpatriotic Japanese-made cars." "We must pursue the vocation we were born to do, or else our lives are squandered," some assert. "The Bible is akin to a science fiction novel filled with absurd tales, and we find it foolish," others declare. "Copper is the superior plumbing material, far more aesthetically pleasing than that plastic mess resembling tangled noodles," some advocate, with declarations often accompanied by a dissertation.

We would not debate any of the statements above. They are pretty much a waste of time.  We are messengers not deliverers.  We learned a long time ago that most people who want to argue just enjoy debate.  Or they are trolls. We have never changed anyone's mind through debate.  That's because the above items are not debatable, really.  There are too many variables.

Hear are the reasons debating such items are futile:

We have not ever owned a Ford truck. The last Ford brand that we owned was in the early 90s. So, we have no dog in the fight.

 We cannot afford to lease cars in retirement. In our situation it appears to be the most expensive way to own cars. Leasing may make sense in very specific situations. 

 Eating sugar or simple carbs causes me inflammation and I feel terrible. Someone may have won the genetic lottery and McDs causes no weight gain or distress in their body. 

  I retired after my career came to an unexpected halt. Had my job been my sole purpose in life, retirement would have been a significant loss. However, there are those who find immense joy in their careers and choose never to retire.  Good for them.

The Bible may seem nonsensical to those grappling with faith, as the scriptures require spiritual rather than logical interpretation. It is recognized that some individuals may have been misled or injured by those professing faith. 

Many professional plumbers still use copper.  We are do-it-yourself type of people.

Conversely, it is often with those closest to us that we find ourselves in intense discussions. When loved ones adopt beliefs or partake in actions that could be detrimental, we feel the need to step in. This is why the blogger opts to avoid Facebook, a platform where harmful beliefs and behaviors have been perpetuated. Family members may make choices that are unwise and distressing, yet it is not obligatory for us to observe or endorse these choices. From a biblical perspective, Jesus taught about shaking the dust from your feet when your message goes unheeded.

Being helpful is generally positive, but it's also acceptable to step back if someone declines assistance. We shouldn't compel anyone to accept our help. This respect for personal boundaries is an important consideration in recent times.

We have been deceived that we need to make sure everyone agrees with us.  

There was a time when someone might claim that 2+2 equals 5 or that the Hallelujah Chorus should be performed in the key of "H sharp". Before retiring, I felt compelled to challenge such statements. Now, in retirement, I no longer feel the need to always correct others. I simply assume that the person is either trying to provoke me or is uninformed. Over the last two years, I've significantly improved at choosing to walk away—or even run. Sometimes, it's necessary to change the channel or shut off the television entirely. 

The reality is that debate often seems futile and has been causing considerable animosity of late. This blog serves as a personal repository for the knowledge I've acquired. If others discover valuable content here, then all the better.

I'm tired..........................................more later. 


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