Is the world going to end soon?
I am not a doomsdayer. But Ted, you are one of "those people" of faith. Unlike more than half of Christ followers of this Laodicean church era I have actually read the Bible. In fact, I have studied this "Library of Books" and many other historic books not considered canon.
Also, I take the Bible as literal as I can excluding figures of speech and Hebraisms. I believe the Book says what is means and means what it says. Most Christians today don't. They believe some truths can be gleaned from this Book, but it's not literally God-breathed.
My theology professor at college was one of these types. Because he interpreted scripture allegorically, his theology was vastly different than mine. He one time asked the class, "how many of you believe this book is the truth?" I immediately raised my hand. Most of the class did not to my confusion. He then asked, "how many believe there are truths in this book?" Or something like that. All of the older initiated students raised their hands. I was a little embarrassed, but figured out taking his class that we had divergent views of the world, just because of the way we interpreted scripture.
That makes me a dispensationalist. Basically, that means I separate God's dealings with Israel and the church. He is in a more popular sect of Christianity that believes The Church has replaced Israel. That means our eschatology is from alternate realities. To me, that means God lied to Abraham and David. He made some promises that are yet to be fulfilled.
Next, I am shocked when seasoned followers of Christianity don't really know what Genesis chapter 6 and 9 is about. They still believe something that was taught from truly racist persons writing Bible commentaries proposing that the cursed race of Ham was black. By the way, they were Caucasian. Research it. I mean these people have read through the Bible many times but still haven't figured out what this story is relating to us.
Even relatives state, "Noah was righteous!" That statement is not true. Noah was drunk and some kind of homosexual thing was happening with white, Ham. Act shocked! Remember "None are righteous, no not one". Also, Jesus, "Why do you call me good?" "Only God is good".
"Abraham was righteous." No, he was a big fat liar. "Job was righteous." Only in his own mind. No, his theology was skewed. The end of the book reveals his need for an arbitrator, a savior.
In the correct context, these chapters have nothing to do with racism, but a deliberate attempt to make the birth of the Messiah impossible. You see, God threw down the gauntlet in Genesis 3:15. A seed war was declared! That's why atheists today claim God murders children. First, they haven't studied the text. Second, ignorant Bible commentators aren't helping.
But I digress.............
From the information above, you can imagine that the way this age ends has huge variations. Who's correct? Help from the paraclete, The Holy Spirit is essential. The persons that understand the Pentateuch in Hebrew, in the correct context, and takes the text literally. The persons That study the book of the prophet, Daniel, in Hebrew, in the correct context, and takes the text literally. Of course, Hebraisms, and things stated to be symbolic withstanding.
This world is not going to end soon. Mind blown! That statement is true from a human perspective. To God 1000 years is a day and a day is like 1000 years. In other words, a long time to a created material being is very short to a perfect, always existed, Spirit Being. From God's perspective He is dealing with humanity for one complete week. The 8th day will be a new beginning.
Most of the church world believes we are in the last 1000 years of the 7000 Jewish cosmic years. However, the Bible is clear we are around the 6000-year mark. What gives? Well, because most Christians think that Dad is finished with his first-born son, Abraham's offspring. Besides, He is Jewish. We, the surprise adopted son, (Gentiles) are Dad's favorite now, and into the future. I mean the Messiah will be American, right? USA USA! It's the Cosmic Family Feud!
No, Dad still loves His firstborn and has plans and an inheritance for him, too. There's plenty of love and room.
The adopted kid doesn't really want the world to go Jewish, like that rebellious older son. USA! USA! Therefore, they claim the Jewish Messiah is ruling from heaven right now and the church is That Kingdom of God on earth right this moment.
However, a literal interpretation of the text means that this world will be literally ruled by a Jewish Messiah in Jerusalem in Israel for 1000 more years. Yep, the bloody animal sacrifices will return, Saturday will be the day of focusing on God again, we will measure a day from sundown to sundown again and so forth. The world will be Jewish with Jewish customs for 1000 years.
Now let me tell you, gentiles around the world don't like that plan, so they say it won't literally happen. God was being symbolic. Besides, the older son is strange and has cooties.
My point is that you have been deceived. This world will not be destroyed immediately when Jesus returns. He will be a Jewish King. We are adopted into His family.
Jesus will rule in Jerusalem for 1000 more earth years until deceived human beings will rebel against Him, again!
Surprise! Even some Christians do not understand or want to understand this reality. These are the same type that believes Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen are men of God. Yes, this is the level of Lies and Liars we are dealing with. They'll scream, "You are ruining my view of Jesus!"
We will not be in a misty cloudy ethereal kingdom like in the movies. Floating around in the clouds with a harp would be one boring eternity. King Jesus will restore and heal this current planet. Those that love God will rule with Him right here.
Here's some more truths from a Biblical perspective:
The animals will not be afraid of people anymore. They will be vegetarians again.
Deadly snakes will not bite children.
Children will lead around animals we consider extremely dangerous today.
God will put His information in the animals and plant life again.
The earth will bring forth produce easily again.
Human beings will live 900-1000 years old again.
Yes, people will die, but we will say they died a baby.
People that love God will be Governors and Judges.
There will be commerce. Nations will get wealthy following God's ways.
There will be no more mutations or plagues.
Jesus will be the perfect Ruler and King for 1000 years.
The Deceptive Angel and his followers will be imprisoned during this time.
This is what the Bible literally says......................
I'm tired. Continue later.
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