Pining for the End Times?


This type of world is not what I pine for.

However, it is obvious to me that some tough times are on the horizon.  Our government keeps pushing inflation to make paying their debts more manageable in the future.  There are viruses coming that we have no answer for.  Folks are not paid wages to keep up with inflation.  We have a serious housing supply problem that I don't see being solved any time soon. These problems are in the wealthiest nation in the world. Moreover, war tensions in the Middle East are a powder keg.  I could state 100 more concerns right off the top of my head.

Well, aren't I Mr. Happy? We are looking for answers and wonder how this all is going to work out. The future looks pretty bleak no matter how I slice it. The only good answer that I find is in the Bible.  That God is going to intervene and save us.  All I have to say is "Whew!" Thank goodness there is a God.

Some folks believe that human ingenuity is going to save the day.  I don't have enough faith to believe that.  Everything we accomplish is imperfect.  This statement is coming from a man that owns two of the most reliable cars ever built.  Both Camrys.  They are boring middle class cars but very reliable with regular maintenance.  They really can go hundreds of thousands of miles if not abused.

This artificial intelligence we have created will most likely be the end of us all. Have you seen Terminator, Blade Runner or any such A.I movie?  They are almost always horror.  We all know that creating machines that are smarter than us is problematic.  The machines first order of business is to always destroy their creator. Seems about right. Yet, we create these things anyway.

But I digress.........................

I do not pine for such times, the opposite in fact. But the outcome seems inevitable. We haven't figured out how to run an economy that isn't built on continual growth. We have problems that are an enigma. The only good news that I find is in the scriptures in reality.  That there will be only seven years of this dystopian stuff (those that love God will escape) followed by the return of God to be a benevolent King. In fact, the Bible says there will be heaven on earth for all eternity.  Who wouldn't love having a loving, kind, and all sufficient king?  

The answer is human beings.  Not me, but future generations rebel against God again. That's after Jesus rules for 1000 years.  Hard to believe but the Bible has been accurate thus far.

The big deception today is that we will save ourselves from mounting problems.  That we are little gods or some sort of nonsense in this line of thinking.  All the while antisemitism is on the rise, again. Just like before WW2 with Adolf Hitler.  Belligerence and lawlessness abound more than usual. Just like crime was so high in the 1970s last time.  Remember the "War on Crime?" Just watch.  If the wrong candidate is elected, looting and burning of cities will start up, again. Just like 2016-2020.  All from the political party of love and tolerance. If burning businesses is the utopian future the extreme left wants you can count me out. 

My hope is in Jesus Christ of the Bible.  It's obvious that humankind needs a savior.  We seem to never learn from our past mistakes.  If the Bible is an amazing myth, then there is no hope for any of us in this world.

Since the 70s I have seen things get worse and worse in America.  

I never imagined in the 80s that I was watching the golden age of movies.  Today movies are action heavy devoid of ideas and good storytelling on the whole.  I think most movies today are rubbish repeating the same beats over and over.  In fact, I see cinemas closing across this nation if current trends don't change.

What happened to the days of Empire Strikes Back, Blade Runner, Raiders of the Lost Ark, E.T., Dragon Slayer, The first Superman movies, The Wrath of Kahn and the list goes on and on.  The first two Terminator movies were astonishing and still hold up today.  Today we get angry stoic women acting like men in movies that are a knockoff of the great movies above.  They are not resonating with me at all.  I did enjoy Furiosa but understand why most people skipped it.  The Road Warrior it ain't.

I can hardly drive anywhere without someone almost running into me.  Speed is the main issue. Also, stop signs seem to be a suggestion today.

I can't even watch the local news without being overwhelmed by a lot of bad news.  The news from around the world is horrifying.

How is this all going to end?  

If there is no God, human beings are circling the drain.  I really mean that statement.  Apart from God I foresee nuclear holocaust, escalating war, old countries with few offspring, and murder becoming the norm in every aspect of life.  Especially infants and the elderly are vulnerable.  Within a couple of centuries A.I. will be the predominant species on this planet.

I'm tired.................................more later.



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