Where is America in the Bible?


This question has troubled me since my youth. Where's the USA?

Firstly, the good news: if we love God, the following thoughts do not concern us. The early Christians were not terrified by the prospect of Rome's fall. They faced real and immediate dangers daily, not just theoretical ones. They were largely unafraid of what the world threw at them. Our nation's western liberal mindset often conflicts with the mindset prescribed by scripture. We are called to be a light, revealing who Jesus Christ is, regardless of where we are born or reside. We are to act as salt, preserving the moral integrity of the nation we inhabit from rapid moral decay. We are to strictly adhere to a biblical mindset. 

Sadly, we are watching our elected servants stray from scriptural truth for relativism. That's not what bothers me the most. The United States of America is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, which is surprising given its historical support for Israel. Moreover, the U.S. military is considered to be significantly more powerful than that of other nations, boasting ten aircraft carriers compared to China's single, older one. The U.S. is also home to a large Christian population, with many Christians worldwide residing in the country. Known for its prosperity, the U.S. attracts many seeking work opportunities. Additionally, the American Church is recognized for sending numerous missionaries globally, and the country's intellectual athletic and cultural achievements are celebrated worldwide. 

All of these facts, undisputed, the Bible says nada.  What's going on?  Here's a prime example.  I've studied Ezekial's future prophesy and heard it preached. Why does God have to save Israel from a Russian-Iran alliance without America's help? (Ezekiel 36-39) This alliance which was improbable before 2010 has now come to full fruition. Where is America? We have policed the world for over a century, but when the Jews desperately need us-no involvement at all? According to this prophecy no nation comes to their aid.

I feel the answer is clear to my thinking, but for a patriot like me this reality is hard to wrap my head around. America as we know it is obviously missing, absent, gone! Not here! if biblical prophesies have anything to say about it.

What do you mean not here, Ted?  The United States of America no longer exists sometime in the near future according to the Jewish prophets. That's if we believe this library of books has any truths in the pages at all.  According to the prophet Daniel and the Apostle John the USA is a non-event, possibly.  Or at least a hidden mystery.  I suspect the latter.

I believe the United States of America was a gift of God for the nation of Israel and for His expanding church.  But only for a short season.  The world is shrinking rapidly, and the evils of the east are back in spades.  There never was any stopping these spirits from old, only restraining for a time. And America is not as vigilant as we used to be. We allow worse evil acts to be done in this nation than when Manasseh was king of Israel. That's one of the reasons I'm saddened by the decisions we've made in the name of progress. 

God cast his chosen people out of their promised land into Babylonian captivity under pagans because of their wicked king.  What's the future of America?  Our elected officials have promoted far worse than King Manasseh. Look him up on Wikipedia.  

The tower of Babel is back with AI. In other words, languages are not an obstacle keeping the human race separated much longer. There is a new app called Babbel, I think. According to scripture, there will be nothing human beings will not be able to do and most likely destroy ourselves without the intervention of God. 

The American education system has been promoting communism, fascism, democratic socialism, and secular humanism since I was a student.  Most students know very little of the Bible, today. But they can rattle off all of the genders upon request. Most administrators and teachers are atheistic and teach atheistic concepts devoid of any scriptural truths.  One of my last principals stated, "evolution is a fact, Ted, and not to be disputed." When did evolution move from theory to fact? In the schools I attended and taught, in my experience, I never met a single teacher or administrator that openly opposed abortion. Except me.   If they did, I didn't know about it. My favorite teacher supported abortion. He let me know his belief after I sang at an anti-abortion rally in Montana. He let me know that he was angry with God after the tragic death of his brother.

The entertainment industry plays a significant role in influencing people's minds. Some Americans don't know if they are a man or a woman.  They also present same sex couples in nearly every movie and tv sitcom as the American norm when they can't procreate. And now we need foreigners to come to our country to pick our food. And don't have enough population to support social security past 2034. Looks ridiculous on the written page, doesn't it, but there it is.  Seems straightforward to my mind. Strong families mean strong communities and by default a strong country.  Two men or two women can't produce a family. If 50 percent of our population is queer, like our entertainment purports our nation can't survive let alone thrive. It's all just so stupid.

But I digress.......................................... 

These ideologies are why some college students hate God and Israel.  These young adults don't even know why they hate them. To them it inexplicable. A reporter asked them in an interview, and they really can't articulate it. That is why there are protests all over the United States on elite college campuses as I write. Biblical scholars know the reason.  The true ruler of this present world system hates the descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, vehemently. It is a worldly spiritual hatred.  I think it is odd to hate a group of people when we don't know why, let alone the Jews.  Remember WW2? Haven't they been hated enough, throughout history? 

What was I thinking about? "Merica!!"..........................................

The only conclusion I can draw is that an event in the near future removes America from the global forefront. It seems America was a mystery in the scriptures and will be removed by a mystery disclosed by the Apostle Paul.

Just imagine for a moment that 50+ million people disappeared suddenly from America alone. I know I can't fathom the impact that would have on this country.  The 9/11 attacks resulted in the loss of 3,000 lives and brought the nation to an almost complete standstill. The 2019 virus that spread globally indeed brought America to a standstill, and in my view, it prolonged that state excessively. It is only with hindsight that we recognize the extent of the overreaction.

I am referring to something Paul penned in Greek as "harpazo".  It written as rapture in the Latin Bible, but modern translations say, 'caught up'. Most folks even in the church today do not fully comprehend the reality of such a sudden drastic event.  I'm beginning to really ponder on it lately.  I don't know why.

First of all, America has a 34 trillion-dollar deficit! That's 34 Trillion dollars in debt to others.  A significant part of that debt is owed to communistic China. That's really uncomfortable to me.

Allow me to set a scenario here.

Who's going to disappear according to scripture? Snarky light is on. Those preachy weirdos.  The "Nazarenes" or "little Christs" are often seen as rule followers, called to serve and assist others. They work so hard to please others and come across as the "Pollyanna" type. What are they trying to prove? Irritants! They don't drink smoke or chew or run with us who do. Snarky light off. 

 We just see what needs to get done and step in. That's all. Who else is going to do it? I choose to babysit my grandson instead of spending all day playing video games or doing as I please. Why? Because I'm driven to offer help whenever and wherever possible. Don't misunderstand; I do set limits, but assisting others brings me joy.  That's the Spirit of Christ.

My wife, the director of nursing, receives over 20 phone calls daily, even on her days off. She answers because she feels a strong obligation to assist those who have questions.

I don't know if I will be counted worthy to be snatched up in the rapture of the worldwide church.  I hope and pray so, but there are some days when I don't feel saintly. However, If she doesn't go, I don't know who will. 

She is a Christian woman whose absence would be deeply felt. Many new nurses in her branch rely heavily on her wisdom. If she were to disappear, it would cause widespread confusion in Home Health and Hospice throughout our valley. Imagine then, the impact of missing workers like her on a national level.

People will be running around questioning everyone in listening distance. Where are my children? Where is my spouse? Where has the firefighter gone? Where are the police officers? Where is our pilot? Individuals will be missing from every aspect of daily life, and not just any individuals, but the most motivated workers among us. People will be frantic, searching for their children. My blog "Where are the Missing People?" answers this. 

Friends, family, and colleagues will be present one moment and gone the next. This realization will bring a mix of fear, demoralization, and emptiness. I don't think a single event will utterly devastate America, but it may well be the initial domino to fall, starting a chain reaction. 

Our military will be in disarray with persons missing from their posts. And just think of it.  No other nation would be affected the way the USA would. A lot of "Jesus Freaks" in the US military service. Some countries might find the USA vulnerable and probably would not be able to pass up the opportunity for attack or plunder.

The economy that is already stressed to the limit with debt would implode.  Industry and agriculture would be halted.  There would be an economic depression that would make 1929 look like a walk in the park. There wouldn't be enough workers to keep the huge machine chugging along. I am probably naive to all of the ramifications that would happen in this arena.

Who remains to manage this situation?  Atheistic folks, that's who! That have to explain why these troublemakers have vanished. I'm not sure what their answers will be, but they for sure will not give credit to God of the Jews or Church. Unfortunately, most American politicians will still be here, because they practice deceit for a living. The Bible states those that practice lying cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.

Would a marginalized America inflame WW3?  Most Likely.  I think it may have already started in the middle east. Would there be a major shift of power in the world? For sure.  Would there be a nuclear incident?  The prophets in the Bible describe events in the future that symbolize nuclear conflict to me. So, biblically, yes.  But relax, these thoughts do not involve those that love God.

In fact, America is so powerful and technologically advanced, I cannot foresee any other event that would have enough impact to take America out of its current leadership role. There is the sovereignty of God, of course, but that is what I am basically musing about. Jesus Christ starts these events personally with the taking of His bride. That is basically what the rapture is. It's an interesting fact that Jesus started the events of His crucifixion speaking to Judas Iscariot in the upper room.  It makes sense to me that Jesus will start a sequence of events to draw Israel back to Himself too.

 Here's my thinking on this scenario of America being attacked. We would have to be significantly marginalized for anyone to dare attack us with nuclear weapons. That illogical move would be a zero-sum game. We would lay any nations involved a sea of glass which would make biblical prophesies about Israel impossible in the future. God has specific plans for almost every enemy of the US and Israel.  The same nations really. Something would have to happen for our enemies to muster up the courage to attack us in the first place. If anyone reading this fully understands the size and power of the American military, they would be awestruck. I am not bragging on America, but just stating reality. 

The other scenario that could cripple this country would be severe famine. However, America and Israel have amazing advances in producing food.  Before a significant US famine something else would have to set this scenario up. The Israelis are masters at using drip irrigation to produce bountiful crops. It's interesting. Israel has made desert land flourish. America would most likely adopt these technologies if a significant drought happened. Furthermore, a large portion of our food comes from all over the world.  This scenario just doesn't work, does it?

What about the scenario of our government burning the constitution and giving all power to a global power? Really? we won't even give up our firearms or gas guzzling lifted pickups. One of the #1 selling vehicles in America is the Ford F-150 pickup truck. After that it's the Toyota 4runner. The #1 vehicle is not the Toyota Prius no matter what anyone believes. Electric vehicles are a non-starter. What scenario would have to happen for the average American to allow the constitution to be discarded? Furthermore, give all authority over of our country to a Muslim politician from the region of Syria (ancient Assyria or Persia)? Those scholars that still think the anti-Christ will be from Europe haven't done their due diligence.  In other words, "ain't gonna happen!" I can't see someone that drives a F-150 or 4Runner to 'Wendys' or 'Chick- Fila' liking this scenario one bit.  There has to be a significant change from my perspective.

 As for the willfully ignorant Hollywood elite, this brilliant politician's first order of business would be to round up all of the gays and gender confused for execution.  The very folks that the Hollywood elite has an obsession with right now.  Don't believe me that this could happen? History tends to repeat itself. Check out the people that were labeled with a pink triangle during WW2. Homosexuality is not a new idea created in the USA. There have been gays since the beginning of the human race.  The Third Riech embraced them at first. Adolf Hitler was a brutal type of the anti-Christ, but America helped defeat him.  I believe the devil always has a man ready to step up.  The irony is that young adults attending elite colleges are protesting for people that truly hate them and their way of life.  

So, this scenario seems impossible as of this writing.  50 percent of our country might accept this leader in the future through government coercion under a conglomerate of nations.  However, we were raised in the world of Florida and Montana and there are 50 percent of this country that is definitely not ready for this scenario.  We cherish our rugged individualism and good luck waiting for that attitude to change. 

Even most western women aren't ready to be subjugated by a Muslim male leader and put under Sharia Law. To my thinking, this is the most unlikely scenario right now and guess what the scriptures say?  This man of sedition comes first. And America is supposed to fall right under his rule? Yep, first, the man of peace (a false peace), next all out WW3, then famine, and finally a lot of people perishing. In fact, 1/3 of the planet's population. What's the population of the world right now?  8.1 billion! We are talking billions of people dead in three years, and it all starts with the world giving all power to this one man.  This will not be allowed by the US voters without something much more significant preparing the way. 

That leads me to my point.  Something has to happen to the good ol' "US of A" for any of the above scenarios to unfold.  America is problematic, especially those pesky Christians.  We are not automatons following whatever the government prescribes for us to do. We must be made vulnerable and marginalized by God, Himself. And I think that is exactly what God will do.  With all of our technology and nuclear weapons the United States will be taken down easily and quickly.

How will God weaken America?  By a fire that He will send down to burn up the evil folks doing evil deeds. Nope, He really doesn't enjoy burning up His creation with fire. How about allowing our land to be nuked and become uninhabitable?  Probably not with so many Noahs and Lots living in this land. After the Rapture, I'm not sure.

Remember, the angels had to get Lot and his wife out of the city.  God provided a lot of time and a way for Noah and his family to be moved safely above the devastation that was going on below. These were the two specific analogies that Jesus used for believers when He returns as a thief in the night. Notice that they both went up and out of a place before the destruction.  What's Jesus stealing? Those that belong to Him. My wife for sure. That's interesting, isn't it?

America must fall for the United Roman Empire and the Assyrian to rise.  It's a sad thought, but otherwise the prophesies and promises concerning Israel don't make any sense to me.

All God will do is remove the salt and light from the world and the nations will collapse like a carefully placed row of dominos. And no one will see it coming. Except me. 

That's why The United States of America is not mentioned in the entire Bible.

I'm depressed and tired..................................... later.


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