Politics are Actually Boring


Everyday necessities are getting pretty expensive.  We paid double what we usually pay for water this month.  Our property taxes have gone up seventy dollars in two years.  Nearly 1/3 more expensive than after we purchased the place.  Wages aren't keeping up with inflation.  So, I stated to those around me "the Democrats are in trouble and the election will go to Trump."  

"No, he did this horrible thing and that horrible thing."   The other side yells, "She did this immoral thing and that evil thing!"  That was all nonsense and gibberish to me. Broke folks vote for change. 

The last 3 and 1/2 years felt a lot like the late 70s early 80s with Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan.  Most historians agree that Jimmy Carter was a horrible president.  I just remember folks complaining that their wallets were empty.  I don't remember great change under Ronald Reagan.  Of course, my parents divorced, and I was poor as a church mouse. In fact, the housing market plummeted in 1989.  People forget.

In my opinion, historians will rate Joe Biden as one of the worst presidents. Joe let the extreme left run wild which is also expensive. He wasn't strong enough to pull to the center. Extreme left policies or extreme right policies are bad for most Americans.  It's all fine and dandy to let left wing dingbat ideologies run wild until the bill comes for other people's medical bills and illegal immigrants' food and lodging. TANSTAAFL!

On the other hand, It's fine and dandy to deregulate everything until folks are taking out toxic ARM loans and the housing market collapses like in 2008. There Ain't No Such Thing AAFL! I'm hoping Trump can dodge the traps that RR and GB fell into. I hope he's learned from history.  This is my third go round.

There's a lot of fuss and finger pointing about what is happening to our nation.  I can tell you who is to blame.  All of us.  Most of us like to spend money like it is going out of style.  No wonder.  We are weaned on television.  Every commercial is some new fandangle thing that should be purchased immediately if you don't want to miss the train. We've been deceived.

I've been in a much smaller residence for the last couple of years.  I moved from 2200 square feet with the basement to 1300 square feet one level.  I moved from a house that had four lots to mow and trim to a townhouse that can be mowed and trimmed quickly.  We've discovered that less is more.  I can sit here and blog away on my seven-year-old Hewlett Packard instead of maintaining a lawn.  

Presidents come and go and the only effect we see is the amount we invest goes down. I knew that Americans would not embrace socialism. It historically has been tried many times and failed.  Check out the history of Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Chile, and don't forget China. The Democrats went too far left and the snap back will sting.  If we go too far right, there will be snap back as well. The ideology sounds great on paper until it is instituted.  

Most folks don't realize the US government doesn't make any money. They are talking about our hard-earned money.  Would you pay for some teen in Seattle, WA to mutilate his genitals because he believes he's a girl? Us neither.  That's why the left lost the election and will probably lose again in 4 years.  Snap back.  

When the cost for clean drinking water just exceeded my electricity budget by 70 dollars-what the what?  "Hey", "My kid needs a 100,000-dollar gender affirming surgery because he/she is confused".  Are you kidding me?  They are a new breed of crazy.

Most just don't care if some kid is confused that we don't know and will probably never meet.  We do care about being taxed out of our homes and the cost of water running into our homes. Right?

This is why politics is actually boring, in my opinion.  This is not complicated at all.  When Americans have empty wallets and purses, they throw the sitting administration out.  It's nice that there are folks out there that are so rich they embrace cooky nutty ideologies.  We need the price of water to stay sane in retirement.

My Quest for Truth

Politics are Actually Boring

  Everyday necessities are getting pretty expensive.  We paid double what we usually pay for water this month.  Our property taxes have gone...

Everything is Dirt